Happenings at The Inn

(Previously submitted to Lincoln County News)
If you've been reading the articles or know anything about us, you know that being part of the community is a very large part of the mission of Inn Along the Way. What exactly does that mean? It means so many things but one of the meanings is to open the facility to those who live in the area.
The public is welcome to come by and visit. Inn Along the Way is currently open Mondays from 9 to noon and Thursdays from 9 to 3. Please be aware that construction is ongoing.
In the dining area you'll find coffee, tea, and snacks available. You'll also find someone with whom you can chat. We're here if you need a break, a friend, or just a place to sit and be.
Thursdays you'll find that Soup is on starting at 11:30. You're more than welcome to stop by and feed your taste buds. Come by, visit, and see what we are up to.
Throughout the year the Inn will be sponsoring events beneficial to the community. Here is just a sampling.
On April 6, 2019 from 10 to 12 there will be a workshop Self Care Essentials led by Andrea Parker from Renovation Grange. If you've ever felt overwhelmed by all that you do, all of your responsibilities, then this workshop may be for you. After all we need to take care of ourselves first so that we can be our best selves for others. Registration is required and space is limited. You can register by calling 207-751-6261 or emailing your request to Sherry@innalongtheway.org.
On May 22, 2019 the Inn will be hosting Spectrum Generations as they offer a workshop Understanding and Responding to Dementia Related Behaviors. This is a free workshop offered through the Maine Alzheimer's Association's Community Education Program along with the Lincoln County Community Education Program.
There will be more events throughout the year. Construction and renovation will continue throughout the year, but our work toward community-building is happening now and always will be.
More information can always be found at https://www.innalongtheway.org or on our Facebook page.