(Previously submitted to Lincoln County News) Oftentimes Inn Along the Way is described as a collaborative community supporting...

Treasures Uncovered in North Wing
(Previously submitted March, 2019 to Lincoln County News) The North wing is on its way! Yes, construction is continuing on the Inn with...

Renovation Update
(Previously submitted February, 2019 to Lincoln County News) Renovations and remodeling are continuing here at Inn Along the Way. The...

First National Bank Pledges Support
We are honored and grateful to have this strong vote of community support!

Support Letter From Maine Senators
We are pleased to have received this letter of support from Senator Collins and Senator King.

Norlands hold successful benefit dinner for Inn Along the Way
On October 4th, Tim and Betsey Norland, owners of Pemaquid Point's famous Seagull Shop, hosted a wonderful evening of food and...

Inn Along the Way board charts its future
The board members of Inn Along the Way held their annual meeting, reflecting on the organization's past twelve months and forging the way...

Volunteers get a delicious thank-you
Inn Along the Way feted its faithful volunteers with a luncheon celebration at the Seagull Shop in New Harbor. Executive Director Sherry...

Hooray! Planning Board approves Chapman Farm plans
We've reached a milestone! Last night, the Damariscotta Planning Board approved our site plan application for the full 31-acre project!...

Sprucing Up for Spring Gathering
Heavy equipment and lots of muscle power has been going into the preparations for the first annual Inn Along the Way Spring Gathering at...