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A brief history of Inn Along the Way

2013 A group of friends and colleagues develop the idea and name it "Inn Along the Way" as a nod to ancient places of refuge for those on a journey.


2014  IRS grants 501(c)3 status. Donations are now tax deductible.


2014  A contract is signed granting Inn Along the Way one year to raise funds to purchase the Chapman Farm.


2015 The purchase is complete


2016  Inn Along the Way becomes a venue for workshops, meetings, and social gatherings.


2016 - 2018 The board and architect Rick Burt create a masterplan for the farm.


2018  Damariscotta Planning Board and Dept of Environmental Protection give permission to proceed.


2019  Builder JF Scott is hired to renovate and add onto the existing farmhouse.


2021  Brian Wilcox is hired as live-in manager of the property.


2022  Inn Along the Way begins welcoming visitors to stay in the new and newly renovated rooms.

The Future

In time, several clusters of cozy, environmentally friendly homes for older adults will be built on the property and rented on a long-term, “ability to pay” basis. Residents will be invited to share their gifts of time and wisdom through a collaborative support arrangement, creating a culture of interdependence and caring. In addition to the homes, several respite cottages are planned. These will be made available to the public on a limited-time basis for caregivers or their loved ones who are moving through the end days of life.


An art center and other meeting and classroom spaces will be created, all with the goal of drawing in the public. While these activities will generate income for the nonprofit, even more important will be the resulting intergenerational encounters between the Inn Along the Way’s residents and the broader community. The aim is to banish the sense of isolation and loneliness sometimes suffered by older adults and replace it with a sense of purpose and belonging.

The Founder's Story​


My mom likes to say that the concept for Inn Along the Way has been perking in me for most of my life. Though I don't know that this is true, I do like what theologian Fredrick Buechner once wrote, "vocation is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet." It is from this deep gladness that I serve and host. 


I find it interesting that the words hospital and hospitality both derive from the Latin hospes, meaning "host," "guest," or "stranger." The word "hostel" (a lodging; a place to stay) comes from the same root, for which the medieval Latin was hospitale.


Our vision for Inn Along the Way is to build a vibrant, interdependent community where living and dying can become a richer, fuller, and more human experience. We are honored to stand on the shoulders of so many—some who have died and some who walk beside us—all offering Inn Along the Way their gifts of encouragement, prayer, counsel, and wisdom. We know that community is much more than simply the brick and mortar of our destination; it is the foundation we build along the way. 


Please feel free to contact us with any thoughts, questions, or suggestions.

With gratitude,

Sherry Flint


Some photos of our progress

© Inn Along the Way,  741 Main St., Damariscotta, Maine 04543

(207) 682-0118

Want to know more? Read: 

The INN ALONG THE WAY Model: One Solution for Maine's Older Adults



interdependent [in-ter-dee-pen'-dent]

adjective: mutually dependent; depending  on each other.


respite [res'-pit]

noun: a suspension for a time of a difficult  situation; an interval of relief.

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